Wednesday 28 June 2017

Story of a little Boy

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who use to attend the church on every Sunday. On one Sunday morning, the pastor started up his prayer by saying, "HO dear lord, who has the power and can be everywhere at the very same time or same moment." When the boy heard about this, he tends to stop attending mass on Sunday because the pastor mentioned in his prayer that God can be anywhere at the same time. He believed that if he stayed at his home God will always be with him, so he stopped himself from going to church on each Sundays. One evening the Pastor spotted the boy sitting by a fire. He walked to the little boy and ask him, why did he stop attending the church. the boy just smile to the pastor and told him because God can be everywhere at the same time, so if he stays at home God will be with him too, there is no point of attending the mass if he can be with me at my home. the pastor just put a grin on his face and pull out one firewood out of the fire and put it in between them. they didn't speak until the fire on the firewood disappear. The boy just stand up and tell the pastor that this coming Sunday he will definitely attend the mass, because the boy was relating his faith will be like the firewood that was pull out of the other fire woods and lose its fire. He just notice he will lose his faith, because he stop attending the mass and stop himself from joining others and attend the church. The moral of this story is for us to never stop attending church on each Sundays. We have to join others in the church house to keep strengthening our faiths together, or else we will be like the fire food that was pulled off from the fire and lose its fire.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Island of Temwen

        Temwen island was an island that hold the most historical place called Nan Madol. This island also hold the kingdom hall. Nahnmwarki or the chief of Madolenihmw use to live on this island. Temwen island also hold the Japanese ruins. There were ninety two small islands of Temwen. Everywhere you go on this island you will only view the beauty of the sunrise.

Kingdom hall

Japanese gun ruins on the island of Temwen

Thursday 22 June 2017

Story of How Isohkelekel was born

On the island of Pohnpei, there  is only one cruel ruler that usually controlled the island. Every good things will have to go to him. One day, one of is wife went to get his drink from a well called Sapwtakai. There was a man who lived on the clouds and he was the one who creating the thunder. His name was LuhkNansapwe, and Nansapwe in english is thunder. He spotted the wife of the sadelour and came down to play with her. They played and she accidently drop the chief's cup on the ground and made it crack. Saudelour was very angry in which makes him send his messenger to take  LuhkNansapwe to him. He had tutored this man under a Pandanus tree, and Pohnpeian believe that the thunder is scared of the pandanus tree. While he was under the tree and he was about to die, there was a big fish came and rescued. The fish ran away with him and when the fish tired it pass the man to another fish to take him. The fish took this man to the island of Kosrea. LuhkNansapwe then go up on the land and he poured a lemon juice in the eye of an hold woman which made the woman get pregnant. He told her that if he gave birth and it is a by she will kill him and if it is a girl she will raise her up so that she can become his wife. the woman gave birth and it was a boy. While she was giving birth and when the infant get out the womb, he ran away with his umbilical cord. His mother shout to him to come back so that she can cut it but the infant just bent down and bite it off.

Monday 19 June 2017

The story of the Pwisehn Malek

Pwisehn Malek

         long long time ago here on the island of Pohnpei, there was only one cruel ruler who controlled everything here on the island. This cruel chief was called Saudelour. On the east side of the island there live a man called Lepen Palikir who lived in palikir now called Palikir likin lamalam. This man refused to obey the cruel ruler's commands, so then the chief send his messenger named Soukomwpwul to report him to his kingdom. Lepen Palikir was very angry about the news and turn himself into a big rooster. He tried to fly up in the sky but it cannot because of the heavy body. He had tried twice but still can't. Finally he pooped and then he fly up in the sky and all the way to the chief's Kingdom. His poop turned into a big rock which still view today. Therefore that is what created this mountain and it is called PwisehnMalek and the place called outcast because of this man who never obey any man.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Importance of Sakau

 Sakau is a plant that grew up on the Island of Pohnpei. This is a very powerful tool that Pohnpeian use on the island of Pohnpei for their culture. They use sakau to make peace within two enemies. they use sakau for marriage. When the chief is angry about something only sakau they can use to ask forgiveness. People use sakau for parties and always people must use sakau for any traditional feasts.

Pohnpeian sakau. this is the pland that grows only on the island of Pohnpei and that is why it is called sakau en pohnpei

sakau must be used in the traditional feasts

Only sakau can make peace with in the Chief and his people

history of Pohnpei island

Legend of Pohnpei
 Long long time ago, there was a man named Sapwkini who lived on an island of Kosrae called Kataupeidak. One day Sapwkini decided to look for other island beyond the reef. he created a large canoe that can carried hundreds of men. They sailed across the see and finally met a talking Octopus called Litakiki. Sapwkini then ask this octopus if  he can lend them land so that they can settle in. Litakiki showed them a beautiful reef called Dierensapw. on this reef, sapwkini and his men stop by and start to built their alter in order for to worship for their Gods. The waves were too large in which it destroyed their works. They plant mangrove trees around their alter but still the wave always crash on it and destroyed it. they planned to build a barrier reef around their working place. The barrier reef had helped their work and protect their alter from the waves. They completed their work in which they build their alter and they left. There were two people came and stop by the alter. Their names were Liaromenpwel and lisoaromenpwel. These two are the one who brought soil on the alter and then the alter became an island, so because it is an alter and alter means Pehi on the heritage language. so the name the island Pohnpei. means upon the alter. People of Pohnpei believe that their island is a holy place because it is an alter before.

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Wednesday 14 June 2017


Cultural Day
              Cultural Day is the day that was scheduled on March 30 for the people of Pohnpei to commemorate by showing their traditional ways of respecting their Chiefs. On this important day the people of Pohnpei were celebrate it by playing games or do dancing. The activities were design to symbolize the blessed and loved that People of Pohnpei have because of their cultures.


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Let's Go Local

If you want to have healthy and long life, it is better for you to take and eat local food

Story of a little Boy

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who use to attend the church on every Sunday. On one Sunday morning, the pastor started up his pray...