Monday 19 June 2017

The story of the Pwisehn Malek

Pwisehn Malek

         long long time ago here on the island of Pohnpei, there was only one cruel ruler who controlled everything here on the island. This cruel chief was called Saudelour. On the east side of the island there live a man called Lepen Palikir who lived in palikir now called Palikir likin lamalam. This man refused to obey the cruel ruler's commands, so then the chief send his messenger named Soukomwpwul to report him to his kingdom. Lepen Palikir was very angry about the news and turn himself into a big rooster. He tried to fly up in the sky but it cannot because of the heavy body. He had tried twice but still can't. Finally he pooped and then he fly up in the sky and all the way to the chief's Kingdom. His poop turned into a big rock which still view today. Therefore that is what created this mountain and it is called PwisehnMalek and the place called outcast because of this man who never obey any man.

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