Thursday 22 June 2017

Story of How Isohkelekel was born

On the island of Pohnpei, there  is only one cruel ruler that usually controlled the island. Every good things will have to go to him. One day, one of is wife went to get his drink from a well called Sapwtakai. There was a man who lived on the clouds and he was the one who creating the thunder. His name was LuhkNansapwe, and Nansapwe in english is thunder. He spotted the wife of the sadelour and came down to play with her. They played and she accidently drop the chief's cup on the ground and made it crack. Saudelour was very angry in which makes him send his messenger to take  LuhkNansapwe to him. He had tutored this man under a Pandanus tree, and Pohnpeian believe that the thunder is scared of the pandanus tree. While he was under the tree and he was about to die, there was a big fish came and rescued. The fish ran away with him and when the fish tired it pass the man to another fish to take him. The fish took this man to the island of Kosrea. LuhkNansapwe then go up on the land and he poured a lemon juice in the eye of an hold woman which made the woman get pregnant. He told her that if he gave birth and it is a by she will kill him and if it is a girl she will raise her up so that she can become his wife. the woman gave birth and it was a boy. While she was giving birth and when the infant get out the womb, he ran away with his umbilical cord. His mother shout to him to come back so that she can cut it but the infant just bent down and bite it off.

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